Exsanguination Definition
This irreversible condition occurs when an individual experiences excessive blood loss from a wound or trauma, unable to replace lost blood quickly enough to maintain vital functions, leading to death in seconds to minutes.
Exsanguination is the result of traumatic injuries such as from gunshot wounds or knife stab wounds as well as non-violent causes like major surgery or bleeding disorders.
Prior to death, the individual will experience extreme dizziness, fatigue, confusion and eventually unconsciousness as their body struggles to keep up with the lack of blood. As the body continues to lose more and more blood, it will get weaker then finally shut down completely.
Exsanguination can be a frightening experience for those who are aware of what’s happening to them, but it can also be a peaceful passing if they’re unaware or unable to comprehend what’s happening.
‘Rapid exsanguination’ is the intentional act of draining a target’s blood completely as a lethal combat tactic. Leaving the target unable to fight or defend themselves. In theory, the goal is to make it more accessible for the attacker to eliminate the target extremely efficiently with surgical precision.
Additionally, because exsanguination is silent, relatively quick and requires minimal physical effort to enact (and the target to be enacted on), it could be used in situations where noise would be a liability.
This makes it an ideal option for covert operatives who need to eliminate their targets with minimal fuss.
Rapid Exsanguination Method :
When any of these attack vectors are damaged, the enemy will quickly experience a significant drop in their blood pressure but pain won’t be much of a factor. However, psychologically, due to lack of oxygen and visual site of their own blood, may cause confusion and panic. Physically they will get weaker with difficulty in keeping awareness, unable to attack or defend.
When the body approaches losing 40 percent of its total circulating blood volume (approximately 2 liters / .53 gallons for an average adult) the target will get very weak then dizzy and may lose consciousness.
The heart will increasingly pump faster as the blood pressure decreases, trying to make up for the loss of blood, causing the target to go into shock.
After this point with blood still draining, without immediate proper medical care, death is certain as no part of the body will have enough oxygenated blood to sustain vital organs like the brain, heart, and lungs.
Exsanguination in Practice
Though rapid exsanguination is an effective way to take out a target silently and cleanly, there are drawbacks to consider before using this tactic.
First, an exsanguinating attack requires extreme close quarters contact with the target and precision strikes — which makes it difficult to use in situations where stealth and distance are important factors.
Secondly, there’s the risk that something could go wrong during or after the process; if done incorrectly or incompletely, the target may still have enough strength left to fight back against their attacker.
Exsanguination Treatment
As a life threatening medical condition, treatment requires immediate attention to manage properly.
The most important step in stopping exsanguination is to apply direct pressure to the wound using a clean cloth or bandage to slow down or stop the bleeding.
Elevate the wound above the level of the heart to help reduce blood flow to the area. If the bleeding is severe and does not stop with direct pressure and elevation, you may need to apply a tourniquet.
Monitor the person’s vital signs; pulse, breathing and consciousness level. If the person becomes unconscious or stops breathing, administer CPR.
While highly useful in certain cases as a last resort option or to eliminate targets quickly and quietly, more traditional methods should still remain the primary focus of any combatives strategy.
Rapid exsanguination can be an effective measure in certain situations but its usefulness is limited by the high learning curve and CQC proximity required.
[INTEL : Knife in a Gunfight: Engagement]
[OPTICS : Istanbul, Turkey]