Working with and against some of the most devious, deceptive and dangerous people in the world, my view of people in general outside of work in “normal life” have been skewed…


The fact that I was good with people led me to excel as an operative. Something that helped through the years to read people, known them, understand them and have them trust me and empathize with me.

The irony is that outside of work, or more specifically, when I’m not functioning as an operative, I have trouble dealing with “normal” people. Perhaps trouble isn’t the best word, more like I have less charisma or lack the same energy and passion as I do when I’m on the job.

When I meet new people or go to social gatherings, I rarely have any excitement and mostly just go through the motions. This is of course assuming I even go out because I only make it out to such things when my girlfriend convinces me to an event or one of my (real) few friends asks me to go somewhere.

I am by no means an introvert, it’s just I just don’t care about people, except the ones in my life already. Maybe I have trust issues because of the types of people I dealt with in my work.

When I was active, I had no social life nor did I care for one, it was all work all the time, work was my entire life.

So as my New Year’s resolution for 2023, I want to give more people in general a shot.

To be more open to strangers and get out more.

To know more people, make more connections and become more a part of “normal life”.

[OPTICS : NYE @ Time Square, NYC]