23) Learn to better notice and feel when someone is watching you (from behind) and use it to your advantage as needed to maneuver accordingly.
22) Practice SDR as a normal part of your routine travels. ‘Surveillance detection route’ is a personnel movement and navigational system of strategy to detect, counter and avoid surveillance.
21) Stash a go-bag in the city you’re in but not too close from home / base. Kit should be for an exit strategy, urban survival, money etc.
19) Wear physical full disguises, disguise-shifts and prosthetics as needed for hiding in plain sight and active encounters with potential adversaries / surveillance tech that can’t be avoided.
18) Minimize touching objects and surfaces unnecessarily with your bare hands in public to reduce your fingerprints being out in the wild. This is to avoid inadvertently exposing your biometric data into databases which could eventually be used to build a subject profile then could connect to your identity.
17) Use covert channels, a technique in which operatives use a seemingly innocent “normal” communication (phone call, email etc.) to secretly transmit information to avoid being tracked offline.
15) Stop being extremely routine. Negate predictable patterns of behavior to reduce the risk of being tracked or monitored. Change your daily routines, use different routes and act randomly.
14) Buy and use burner phones paid with cash and not within view of security cameras – also from different locations each time for each new phone.
13) Technical Surveillance Countermeasures: TSCM techniques are to detect and countering technical surveillance devices, to protect against your activities from being monitored from bugs.
11) Avoid areas of known surveillance / security cameras to minimize your face being collected and analyzed for facial recognition systems – or use a hat or other face coverings if avoidance is not possible.
10) Commit to a psudocide in order to start a fresh, untrackable identity. This is a strategy of faking your own death for the purpose of starting a new “life”.
9) Turn off Bluetooth while in public if not necessary. This reduces a potentially major attack vector on your devices for hacking / tracking.
7) When using motor vehicles, activate GPS jammers and initialize anti-tracking apps, to reduce the risk of being tracked or monitored in this way.
6) Open a Swiss numbered bank account and or any foreign bank account the reduce your locational footprints while being fully financially capable.
5) Maintain long hair and a good amount of facial hair to cut / shave / style when a quick change in appearance is needed. Removing hair is much faster than growing it of which has some moderate measure of altering your appearance – on the fly.
3) Hone your locational awareness. Being aware of your surroundings for the risks / opportunities associated with different locations / scenarios, such as high-risk areas or areas under surveillance.
2) Always maintain OPSEC. Operational Security are passive and active measures, such as disguising your activities, limiting your exposure and compartmentalizing operations, to reduce the risk of being discovered, tracked or compromised.
1) Be nondescript as your default. This is the foundation of how to be untrackable in the real-world.