Hobocraft intel on what we can learn from homeless people about life on the streets; survival, sustenance, skills, self-sufficiency, social, self-sovereignty and saving.



Hobocraft is a term used to describe the creative and resourceful skills developed by homeless people in order to survive and thrive on the streets.

The operatives have tradecraft.
The homeless have hobocraft.

On the streets, few can compare to the impressive resourcefulness and resilience of the homeless.

Despite difficult circumstances, many homeless individuals have managed to survive or even thrive in some of the toughest conditions imaginable.

Homeless people face challenges on the daily, and as a result, they develop a range of street survival tactics that can be useful for anyone in similar difficult situations or just living in an urban environment.

And thus there’s some things that we can learn from them to better ourselves in street smarts.


Homeless people often face a great deal of adversity, including poverty, illness, and discrimination. They learn to bounce back from setbacks and maintain a positive outlook, even in difficult circumstances.

              Making Use of What You Have

One of the most impressive things about homeless people is their ability to make use of whatever resources they have at their disposal.

Whether it’s finding food in dumpsters or salvaging discarded items for clothing or shelter, they know how to take advantage of any opportunity that comes their way. This skill can be useful in many different scenarios – not just for surviving on the streets.

              Staying Out of Sight

Many homeless people have learned how to stay out of sight and off the radar by avoiding contact with police and other authorities as much as possible.

It’s an invaluable skill in any situation where you need to stay hidden and undetected, as well as when you’re trying to avoid being tracked or monitored by someone else. By learning how to blend into your environment and remain unseen, you can protect yourself and your assets more effectively.

              Adapting Quickly

The streets are constantly changing and evolving – something that most homeless people know firsthand. As a result, they’ve learned how to adapt quickly and easily to their surroundings so that they can stay one step ahead of any potential dangers or risks they may face while living on the streets.

This skill is especially important for covert operatives who need to move quickly without drawing attention or suspicion from others around them.


More so than other people, the homeless have to rely on themselves to meet their basic needs, and they develop a sense of self-sufficiency as a result.

They learn how to be independent and self-reliant, which can be valuable skills in any situation.

              Extreme Budgeting

By definition, having the most limited of resources, they have to budget carefully in order to make ends meet. They can teach others the value of living frugally and making the most of what they have.

              Emergency Preparedness

Homeless people are often faced with unexpected emergencies, such as natural disasters or health problems. They may have to quickly assess a situation and take action to protect themselves and others.


Many homeless people become highly skilled in forming strong relationships with others, no matter the circumstance – a skill necessary for accessing support networks that can help them survive.


Despite their hardships, homeless people have a lot to teach us about being street smart and tough. The next time you see a homeless person on the street, take a moment to think about what they might have gone through and what they could teach you. You might be surprised at how much you can learn.

The hobocraft that homeless people possess are far more valuable than most people realize – especially for those working in dangerous fields such as covert operations or law enforcement undercover work.