The-Power-of-Suggestion-Tradecraft-Flirting-in-a-Bar-RDCTD-Covert-Operative TThe covert operative tradecraft guide on the ‘power of suggestion’, the psychological process of moderate mind control; how operatives use it in the field, and how it can be employed in everyday life.


The ‘power of suggestion’ is a psychological process by which one person guides the thoughts, feelings, or behavior of another. It’s about subtly planting ideas, influencing perceptions, and directing decisions without the other party’s explicit awareness as a form of unforced manipulation. A large part of the power of suggestion lies in its subtlety and the unawareness of the influenced party.

In essence, the power of suggestion is a form of indirect communication, usually below the level of conscious awareness. When used effectively, it can shape a person’s thoughts, beliefs, decisions and actions in significant ways.

It’s influenced by the subtle cues or hints (as in suggestion) from another person or the environment. This process can be either conscious or unconscious and is a testament to the malleability of human perception and decision-making.

In the context of intelligence operations, the power of suggestion can be a means to manipulate targets into divulging information, making specific decisions, or taking actions that they might not have considered or undertaken voluntarily. A skillset also used in law enforcement and adaptable for everyday normal life.


          Power of Suggestion in the Field

Covert operatives operate under the radar, with their success contingent on blending in, influencing, extracting information, and influencing outcomes without arousing suspicion. This is where the power of suggestion comes into play.

It’s a tradecraft methodology that’s as much about understanding the human mind as it is about implementing tactical and strategic maneuvers.

    Creating Trust:     Trust is a cornerstone of suggestion. By portraying characteristics that naturally instill trust, such as confidence, empathy, or competence, an operative can create a positive rapport with a target, making them more susceptible to suggestions.

    Framing Conversations:     The manner in which information is presented can greatly influence a person’s perception. Operatives often frame their conversations in ways that subtly steer the target’s thought process in the desired direction.

    Leveraging Authority:     People are naturally inclined to follow suggestions from those they perceive as authorities. An operative may establish themselves as an expert or a person of influence to make their suggestions more effective.


          Power of Suggestion Tradecraft Tactics

To harness the power of suggestion, it’s important to understand the principles of influence and persuasion. To employ the power of suggestion effectively, one must be adept at reading social cues and understanding human psychology.

Timing is critical and suggestions are more likely to be effective when the individual is in a receptive state. These are the base methods of implementation:









          Power of Suggestion in Everyday Life

While the power of suggestion is a powerful tool for covert operatives, it can also be harnessed for practical applications in everyday life as well as an enhancing aspect of general human interaction.

In the workplace, leaders can use the power of suggestion to foster a more collaborative and productive environment. For instance, by framing challenges as opportunities and highlighting the collective strengths of the team, a leader can inspire confidence and motivate action.

In negotiations, for example, the power of suggestion can be used to steer the conversation towards a favorable outcome. By subtly shaping the other party’s perceptions, you can influence their decisions without them realizing it.

Parents can use it to encourage positive behavior in children. By praising them when they exhibit desired behaviors and associating these actions with positive emotions, parents can create anchors that encourage these behaviors.

However, it’s important to recognize the ethical boundaries when employing the power of suggestion. It should be used responsibly and not as a means to manipulate or control others for personal gain.


The power of suggestion is not just a skillset for covert operatives, but a powerful psychological tool that anyone can harness to influence perceptions, decisions, and behaviors. By understanding and skillfully applying this technique, you can achieve our goals more effectively, both in the field and in everyday life.

[INTEL : The ‘Power/Authority’ Phrase of Persuasion]
[OPTICS : Power of Suggestion Example]