In intelligence and law enforcement, there are certain terms and concepts that carry a significant weight, often overlooked by the layperson.
One such concept is that of the “secondary location”. Understanding this concept, how it functions, and how to react when faced with such a situation can be instrumental in preserving personal safety.
A second location is typically a place where an assailant attempts to take a victim after an initial encounter. It often offers the assailant a greater degree of control and isolation, thus reducing the victim’s chances of escape or rescue, as well as affording the assailant to work in a controlled space with less risk. This scenario plays out in various crimes, from robbery and kidnapping to assault and other violent offenses.
In most cases, the second location is selected for its advantages to the assailant / criminal: fewer witnesses, less surveillance, and an environment that is familiar or advantageous to the assailant. It’s a place where the perpetrator can execute their “endgame” with minimal disturbance or resistance.
The ‘second location’ directive is as simple as to never going there, wherever that is. The golden rule when it comes to personal safety is this: never allow yourself to be taken to a secondary location. Your chances of escape or survival dramatically decrease once you’re removed from the initial encounter (first) location.
• Example 1: A woman is approached in a crowded shopping mall by a man claiming to have found her lost phone. He insists it’s in his car in the parking lot. Despite her doubts, she follows him, assuming the safety of the public space will protect her. However, once in the parking lot, the man reveals a weapon, forcing her into the car and driving away. The shopping mall was the initial encounter location; the car and wherever it ends up are secondary locations.
• Example 2: A man walking home late at night after leaving the bar is accosted by another man asking for help with a flat tire, offering cash as compensation. Once they reach the deserted side street where the car is supposedly parked, the stranger assaults the man and robs him. The man’s usual route home was the initial encounter location; the quiet side street is the secondary location.
Detecting and Reacting
The primary goal isn’t to directly engage or defeat the assailant — it’s to find or create an opportunity to escape from the situation. Whatever bad thing that could happen in the first location is nothing compared to what will happen in the second location.
Prevention and Preparedness
Ultimately, the best preventative measure is to be prescient of a second location attack occurring, because then you have the opportunity to escape and evade the situation before it even materializes. Take preventative measures to avoid being in a situation where you could be taken to a secondary location.
This means being aware of your surroundings, listening to your instincts, and maintaining a safe distance from strangers, especially in isolated areas.
If evasion is not possible the best defense is a good offense for the sole purpose of finding an opening to then evade the scenario. Martial arts and self-defense is then crucial to familiarize yourself with techniques to use for kinetic situations.
Understanding the concept of the secondary location and how to respond if you find yourself in such a situation can be a powerful tool in ensuring your personal safety. Awareness, preparedness, and quick thinking can make all the difference when seconds count.
[OPTICS : Tokyo, Japan