The covert operative guide on cultivating a strategist mindset to think and operate as such, modeled after the cognitive patterns, training and practices of Central Intelligence Agency intelligence officers.


In a world that’s constantly evolving and adversaries ever adapting, the ability to think strategically has become an essential skill. From the boardroom to the battlefield, strategy plays a pivotal role in determining success and security.

          The Strategist Mindset

A strategist is an individual who plans and directs operations or courses of action to achieve a set of goals. They are adept at considering the larger context and identifying the most effective pathways to reach their objectives.

This involves seeing beyond immediate challenges and considering the broader implications of each action, decision, or trend. Strategists are skilled at understanding complex systems, predicting potential outcomes, and adapting their plans based on changing circumstances.

They navigate uncertainty and risk, always looking ahead, and maintaining a focus on long-term success. Their approach is not just responsive but also proactive, constantly learning and adjusting to ensure the desired outcomes are met.

          Strategist VERSUS Tactician

A strategist and a tactician both play essential roles in achieving goals, but they operate on different levels of planning and execution. A tactician wins battles while a strategist wins wars – however, wars can not be won without winning battles.

A strategist focuses on the “big picture,” setting long-term objectives and devising comprehensive plans to achieve them. Their purview is broader, considering the interplay of various elements, trends, and potential future scenarios. They are concerned with why and what: why a certain goal is pursued and what the overall plan to achieve it is.

On the other hand, a tactician operates in the realm of immediate actions and short-term goals. They are responsible for implementing the strategies set forth by strategists, focusing on how: how to use available resources most effectively, how to react to immediate challenges, and how to gain short-term advantages.

They deal with the practicalities of getting things done in the field, taking the strategist’s plan and breaking it down into actionable steps. Strategists set the direction and objectives, tacticians navigate the day-to-day challenges and execute the steps necessary to reach those objectives.

          The Strategist Methodology
Embrace the Big Picture


Be Adaptive and Flexible


Think in Systems


Embrace Uncertainty


Learn Continuously


Cultivate Empathy


Practice Patience and Persistence



Developing a strategist mindset is a lifelong endeavor, but one that can provide significant advantages in navigating our complex and ever-changing world.

By keeping an eye on the big picture, being adaptive, thinking in systems, embracing uncertainty, continuously learning, cultivating empathy, and practicing patience, you can start thinking and operating like a strategist.

[INTEL : The Military General Mindset]
[OPTICS : Undisclosed