No matter what corner of the world we hail from, what creed we confess, or what religious or non-religious background shapes our perspectives, there’s a prevalent sentiment often expressed in times of difficulty: “I’ll leave it in God’s hands”.
It’s a phrase used to defer the responsibility of a seemingly insurmountable challenge, a desperate plea during uncertain times, or a concession to a higher power in a situation perceived to be beyond one’s control. However, this essay is not a religious discourse. Instead, it seeks to unravel the essence of self-sovereignty and the empowerment born from self-reliance.
Many perceive the notion of “leaving it in God’s hands” as an act of surrender, a submission to divine intervention. But consider this – if there is a God, wouldn’t it be more reasonable to think of this higher entity as a non-interacting observer, indifferent and neutral, allowing us to make our own choices, decisions, and occasionally, our own mistakes? And if there isn’t, wouldn’t it make more sense to rely on our own abilities and determination rather than appealing to an entity whose existence is a subject of debate?
Whether you find solace in your faith or rely solely on reason, the principle remains the same – never leave to God what you can do yourself. I’m are not arguing against the existence of a higher power, but promoting the importance of active participation in your life’s journey.
The challenges we face can often seem overwhelming, tempting us to hand over the reins to a higher power. But in doing so, we neglect our own ability to overcome, to adapt, to grow. We succumb to a sense of helplessness when, in fact, we may possess the power to alter our circumstances. Don’t give up when the going gets tough, hoping for divine intervention. Rather, harness your inner strength, build resilience, and navigate through the storm.
It’s important to realize that conceding control doesn’t necessarily solve problems. It’s a passive response to adversity that may leave you unprepared for the next wave of challenges. Being proactive, on the other hand, allows you to actively engage with the situation, seeking solutions and acquiring new skills in the process. If a task appears too difficult, instead of deferring it to God or fate, strive to learn how to do it. Seek help from those who are more capable, gather knowledge, and equip yourself for future obstacles.
Lastly, it’s crucial to understand that while certain things are indeed out of our control, that doesn’t mean they are in God’s control or that God will decide what happens next. This way of thinking can hinder you from positioning yourself better, from finding alternative routes, and ultimately, from finding a sense of peace and acceptance. Even in situations where you seemingly have no control, strive to find areas where you can exercise some influence.
The road to self-sovereignty is paved with resilience, perseverance, and the ceaseless pursuit of knowledge. So, don’t leave it up to God, leave it up to yourself. It’s about understanding that while we can’t control everything, we can control our response to it. It’s about taking charge, making our own destiny, and ultimately, being the architects of our own lives.
In conclusion, “Never Leave it in God’s Hands” is a rallying cry for self-reliance and self-sovereignty, reminding us to use our abilities, expand our capabilities, and actively engage in shaping our own lives. It’s about knowing that whether or not there is a God, the true power to effect change lies within us. Harness that power, and watch as you transform not only your circumstances but also yourself in the process. No task is too great, no challenge too daunting when you become the master of your destiny.
Don’t leave it up to God or any other external force, but take up the reins of your life and steer it to your desired destination. As the age-old saying goes, “God helps those who help themselves,” it’s high time we stop waiting for divine intervention and start being our own saviors.
[OPTICS : Creation of Adam by Michelangelo]