Operatives use a variety of tactics and concepts borrowed and adapted from other professions, in this case to access and infiltrate locations and secure buildings, it’s from urban explorers. This guide adapts these techniques for secure locations – from abandoned buildings to restricted areas without drawing attention with little to no special equipment. Whether for covert operations or urban exploration, with the principles of stealth as the primary premise.
Urban exploration, often abbreviated as URBEX, involves the investigation of man-made structures, often abandoned, difficult to reach or hidden from the general public. Urban explorers are individuals who seek to uncover and document these forgotten or restricted areas, such as interesting buildings, factories, tunnels, and rooftops. They are driven by curiosity, a sense of adventure, and a desire to capture a place truly less seen or much less visited by the rest of the world.
While urban exploration emphasizes the thrill of discovery, it also prioritizes safety and respect for the sites visited, adhering to a “leave no trace” philosophy to preserve these locations for future explorers. For a covert operative, accessing a secure location with stealth and by leaving no trace is of obvious interest…
Successful stealth entry hinges on meticulous preparation and thorough planning. Both operatives and urban explorers must gather detailed information about the target location, anticipate potential challenges, and equip themselves with the necessary tools and knowledge to navigate the environment effectively.
• Visual Survey: Conduct a detailed visual survey of the target location, preferably from multiple angles and at different times of the day. This helps identify entry points, security measures (such as cameras, guards, and motion sensors), and the routine patterns of any security personnel or other individuals present. Use binoculars or a camera with a zoom lens to observe from a safe distance.
• Mapping:
• Access Routes: Plan your route to and from the target location with care. Consider cover and concealment options along the way to avoid detection. Identify safe zones where you can hide if necessary. Be aware of potential hazards such as loose debris, broken glass, or unstable structures, especially in abandoned buildings. Having a well-thought-out escape plan is crucial in case of unexpected encounters or emergencies.
• Clothing: Wear dark, non-reflective clothing that blends with the environment. Avoid synthetic fabrics that rustle or reflect light. Opt for durable, flexible attire that allows for ease of movement. Consider layering to adapt to changing weather conditions, disguise shifting and maintain a low profile.
• Tools:
• Communication: Carry a discreet communication device for emergencies. For urban explorers, a fully charged cell phone (on silent) is essential for safety. Consider using encrypted messaging apps to maintain privacy. In some cases, a small, portable two-way radio might be useful for maintaining contact with a partner without relying on cellular networks.
Mental and Physical Preparedness
• Physical Conditioning: Ensure you are physically fit to handle the demands of building infiltration. This may include climbing, crawling, parkour or carrying equipment. Regular exercise focusing on strength, endurance, and flexibility will enhance your capability to move silently and efficiently.
• Mental Preparedness: Develop a mindset of calm and focus. Stealth entry requires patience and the ability to remain composed under pressure. Practice visualization techniques to mentally rehearse the entry and exit processes, considering various scenarios and how to respond to unexpected challenges.
By investing time and effort into preparation and planning, you significantly increase your chances of successfully entering and exiting a secure location undetected. This foundation sets the stage for the detailed execution of stealth techniques and helps mitigate risks along the way.
Executing a successful stealth entry involves a careful blend of timing, movement, and technical skills to bypass security measures and enter the target location without drawing attention. The following techniques are essential for operatives and urban explorers alike, ensuring that each step is deliberate and reduces the risk of detection.
Timing and Approach
• Timing: The success of your entry often hinges on choosing the right time. Nighttime is generally preferable due to reduced visibility, but you must also consider the specific security routines of the target location. For example, shift changes, lunch breaks, and early morning hours might provide windows of opportunity when security is lax or distracted. Use your reconnaissance data to determine the optimal time for entry.
• Approach: The approach to the entry point must be as stealthy as the entry itself. Use natural cover such as bushes, shadows, and building structures to mask your movement. Move slowly and deliberately, keeping your profile low and avoiding open areas where you could be easily seen. Pay attention to the ground to avoid stepping on noisy surfaces like gravel or dry leaves.
Bypassing Security Measures
• Cameras: Surveillance cameras are a common obstacle. Avoid direct lines of sight with cameras by studying their fields of view during reconnaissance. Move during camera blind spots or use a laser pointer to temporarily disable the camera. More advanced operatives might use a portable DVR to loop the camera feed, creating a continuous loop of empty footage while you move through its field of view.
• Motion Sensors:
• Locks and Alarms: Mechanical locks can be picked using a standard lock pick set. This requires practice and skill, so familiarize yourself with the techniques beforehand. For electronic locks, a bypass tool or hacking device may be necessary. When dealing with alarms, identify and disconnect power sources or use a bypass device to interrupt the circuit without triggering the alarm. Practice these techniques in controlled environments to build proficiency.
Entry Points
• Doors and Windows: Choose less obvious entry points, such as side or rear doors, to avoid areas with high traffic or direct surveillance. For windows, use a glass cutter to create a quiet, precise opening. Apply duct tape to the glass before cutting to prevent it from shattering noisily. Make sure you have the skills and tools to quietly unlock or bypass any secondary security features like bars or grates.
• Ventilation and Utility Access:
By mastering these entry techniques, operatives and urban explorers can enhance their ability to infiltrate secure locations undetected, ensuring their missions are carried out successfully while minimizing the risk of discovery.
Navigating the interior of a secure location (infiltration) is a critical phase of any stealth entry operation. Whether you’re an operative or an urban explorer, maintaining stealth and avoiding detection requires careful movement, acute awareness, and strategic thinking. The following techniques will help ensure you remain undetected once inside.
Stealth Movement
• Speed and Silence: Once inside, prioritize moving slowly (but as quickly) and deliberately to minimize noise. Test each step before committing your full weight to avoid creaks or other sounds. Opt for soft-soled shoes to further dampen noise. Move at a measured pace to maintain control and avoid making sudden noises.
• Body Positioning:
• Listening and Observing: Frequently pause to listen for any signs of activity, such as footsteps, voices, or machinery. This helps you stay aware of your surroundings and anticipate potential encounters. Use a flashlight sparingly and only when necessary. If you must use it, direct the beam towards the ground or walls to avoid casting obvious shadows or reflections. A red filter on your flashlight preserves night vision and reduces the chance of detection.
Navigating the Interior
• Avoiding High-Risk Areas: Identify and avoid high-risk areas such as security offices, control rooms, or areas with heavy surveillance. These locations are likely to have higher physical security measures and personnel presence. Stick to less obvious routes and corridors to reduce the risk of encountering guards or surveillance devices.
• Using Cover:
• Doorways and Corners: Approach doorways and corners with caution. Use the “slice the pie” technique, where you slowly lean around the corner or doorway to gradually reveal what’s on the other side. This minimizes your exposure and reduces the risk of being spotted. If available, use a small mirror or a tactical inspection tool to look around corners without exposing yourself.
Handling Security Measures
• Silent Communication: If working with a partner or team, use silent communication methods like hand signals or pre-arranged signals using small, discreet lights. This helps coordinate movements without making noise. Text messaging is also ideal for when within relative long distance – voice calls is not preferred for obvious reasons.
• Bypassing Electronic Systems:
• Monitoring Patrol Patterns: Use the information gathered during reconnaissance to anticipate and avoid patrol patterns. If you need to cross a monitored area, time your movements carefully to coincide with gaps in patrols. Always have a fallback position where you can hide if a patrol appears unexpectedly or manufacture an event where patrol is forced to deviate.
Handling Encounters
• Guards and Personnel:
• Deception and Misdirection:
• Emergency Evacuation: Always have an emergency evacuation plan. Identify safe zones and fallback points where you can retreat if necessary. If an alarm is triggered or you’re discovered, move quickly but deliberately to your pre-planned exit. Use cover and concealment to avoid detection during your escape.
Gathering Information or Items
• Minimal Interaction: When searching for specific information or items, minimize interaction with the environment to avoid leaving evidence. Only touch what is necessary and handle items carefully to avoid leaving fingerprints or other traces.
• Documentation: If you need to document information, use a small, discreet camera or a notepad. Take photos or notes quickly and efficiently, focusing on key details. Avoid using flash or any bright light that could draw attention.
• Secure Transport: If you need to transport items out of the location, use secure, non-descript containers to avoid drawing attention. Plan how you’ll carry and conceal these items during your exit to ensure they remain undetected.
Whether you’re gathering intelligence, exploring an abandoned building, or retrieving specific items, these strategies will help you navigate the interior stealthily and efficiently.
Successfully exiting a secure location is as crucial as the entry and infiltration navigation phases. An effective exit strategy ensures that you leave undetected, covering your tracks and avoiding potential capture or exposure. Whether you’re an operative or an urban explorer, the following detailed techniques and considerations will help you execute a clean exit.
Timing the Exit
• Optimal Timing: Plan to exit during times of reduced activity. If your entry was timed to coincide with shift changes or other routine distractions, aim to exit within these windows to maintain consistency. Avoid peak security periods, such as the beginning or end of a shift when personnel are more alert.
• Reassessing the Situation: Before exiting, take a moment to reassess the situation. Ensure that no new obstacles or security measures have been introduced since your entry. Use your observations and any new information gathered inside to adjust your exit plan if necessary.
Using Concealment
• Cover and Concealment: Utilize natural cover and concealment just as you did during entry. Stick to shadows, move behind large objects, and stay close to walls to avoid detection. Avoid making sudden or loud noises that could attract attention.
• Low Profile: Maintain a low profile by crouching or crawling when necessary. If possible, exit through the same route you entered, as it is a familiar path with known cover points. However, be prepared to use an alternative route if the situation inside has changed.
Avoiding Detection
• Minimizing Noise: Move slowly and deliberately to avoid making noise. Test each step for creaks or other sounds before committing your full weight. Soft-soled shoes can help dampen noise. Silence all equipment and ensure that any carried items are securely packed to prevent rattling.
• Using Distractions:
Covering Tracks
• Resetting Security Measures:
• Removing Evidence: Ensure that you leave no traces behind. Wipe down any surfaces you touched to remove fingerprints, collect any discarded items, and avoid leaving personal belongings. Use gloves throughout the operation to minimize forensic evidence.
Navigating the Exterior
• Checking the Perimeter: Before exiting the building, check the perimeter for any changes or additional security measures. Use your reconnaissance knowledge to identify safe zones and exit points.
• Concealed Movement:
Emergency Evacuation Plan
• Fallback Routes: Have multiple fallback routes planned in case your primary exit is compromised. These routes should be scouted during the reconnaissance phase and provide alternative paths to safety.
• Safe Zones: Identify safe zones where you can temporarily hide if needed. These can be nearby buildings, alleys, or other locations that offer concealment. Safe zones provide a place to regroup and plan your next move if you encounter unexpected obstacles.
• Legal Awareness: Be aware of the legal implications of your actions. Exiting the location undetected helps minimize the risk of legal repercussions. If approached by law enforcement or security personnel, remain calm and be prepared with a plausible cover story.
• Safety First: Prioritize your safety during the exit. Avoid taking unnecessary risks, especially in structurally unsound buildings or hazardous environments. If you encounter any safety issues, prioritize getting out safely over remaining undetected.
• Ethical Conduct: Respect the locations you explore. Avoid causing damage or leaving any trace of your presence. Urban exploration should be about discovery and preservation, not destruction or vandalism.
By employing these URBEX stealth entry techniques, operatives and civilians can enhance their ability to access and explore restricted areas without drawing attention, while prioritizing safety and respect for the locations they visit.
[INTEL : The ‘Environmental Awareness’ Directive]
[OPTICS : Tokyo, Japan]